It's Try-Something-New Tuesday!
If you're like our family and enjoy eating Fruit Snacks, but refuse to buy the commercially manufactured packages with artificial colors, dyes, and chemicals, you have to check out this simple homemade Fruit Snack recipe!
Not only are these made with 100% REAL ORGANIC FRUIT, but we added some Organic Elderberry Syrup to enhance their immune-boosting properties too. Give this a try today - your whole family will thank you!
1 lb. Organic Strawberries (washed, with the stems removed)
Juice from 2 Lemons, freshly squeezed
1/3 Cup Local, Raw Honey
2 Tablespoons Organic Elderberry Syrup
3/4 Cups Filtered Water
2-3 Teaspoons of Agar Agar powder
Blend the first five ingredients together in a food processor, or high speed blender until the consistency is smooth.
To thicken the fruit mixture, it will need to be brought to a boil in a pot on the stove top.
Now for every one cup of fruit mixture, we added 1 Teaspoon of Agar Agar powder.
3 Cups of Fruit blended = 3 Teaspoons of Agar Agar
(Please note that Agar Agar is the secret ingredient that makes this fruit mixture the same consistency as store-bought fruit snacks, but this is way healthier than other fillers out there).
Bring your mixture to a boil, whisking the entire time. It only takes a few minutes for the mixture to come to a boil.
Once the mixture is boiling, turn down the heat on the stovetop to medium, then mix for another 2 minutes.
Immediately remove this mixture from the heat and pipe the warm mixture directly into silicon molds.
We used a syringe to dispense the perfect amount of mixture into each individual compartment of the molds, but a turkey baster could work well too.
Let these set for an hour (or overnight is even better). Within a few minutes, you will notice how well they firm up.
You can eat them right away and the remainders can be stored in a cool, dry place, or even in a glass container in your refrigerator.
